
Recently unearthed is one of Hunt's Pier's original Hot Rods, which is currently in the early stages of restoration by its new owner Dan Grace who plans to make this piece of Wildwood history shine again.
The gas powered 'Hot Rods' premiered on Hunt's Pier in 1957. These beautiful micro cars were produced by the Ihle (often appearing as Jhle) Brothers in Bruchsal Germany and imported by Morgan 'Mickey' Hughes of Hot Rods, Inc. (New York). In 1960 an all new Mercedes-Benz style Hot Rod was introduced (pictured above in 1964). These beauties operated on Hunt's Pier until 1969, when they were removed to accommodate the Keystone Kops ride which had to be relocated to make room for Hunt's new Log Flume ride.
This relic is missing the original solid steel bumper which surrounded the body of the car...
The badly rotted out floor will soon be replaced...
Three of the four original knock offs have survived the years...
Above left is the engine compartment. Above right shows both front (top) & rear (bottom) views of the Ihle emblem.
The original grill (which has been removed while body work is being done) is in good condition and will be put back in the later stages of resoration... I can't wait to see it complete!
Be sure to check back for updates on the Hot Rod.
Special thanks to Dan Grace, Chris Sickerott & Tom Holland.

Copyright 2001-2012 Ralph Grassi