

_____The early issues of SHOUT were a mere 8 pages but by the beginning of the 1970's that number had increased to nearly 100, fun-filled pages of ads, photos and articles plus other information that would be helpful to visitors - TV listings, maps of the island, the Cape May-Lewes Ferry schedule, movie listings of all the local theaters and much, much more. It also included a variety of columns over the years such as "Whisper", originally written by co-founder Bonelli and then continued by Grant, and the always popular "Island Hopping" by Charles Vincent Mathis; a colorful local character who had a unique way of writing and seemed to effortlessly bring to life any one or any thing he wrote about.


_____Grant loved using tag-lines for the paper and over the years several were used, i.e. "For The Beautiful People", "The Largest Tourist Publication In The Galaxy", and "All The News That's Fun To Print (inspired by the New York Time's famous tag-line, "All The News That's Fit To Print"). The summer guides tremendous success spawned many imitators throughout the years but no other guide captured the true essence of the Wildwoods quite like 'SHOUT'.  


Copyright 2012 Ralph Grassi